So, I met my ex girlfriend at a meetup event one night in Scottsdale, Arizona, Now, how I got to come to this event is something that even to this day boggles my mind of how I was Divinely Guided to be at this event on New Years eve of 2015 going into 2016. To say it was absolutely meant to happen is an understatement. Let me set the context of this story so you have an idea of how sometimes the Universe is totally conspiring for your higher good even though you may not see it at first or for many years later.

So, it was December 31 in the day time and I went over to my friend Nina's house. I used to go over a lot to hang out and talk and sometimes she even had conscious pool parties. I met Nina at her Ecstatic Dance session she hosts every Sunday and we became really good friends. So, here I am at her place and she was like ":ok I got to get myself settled as I'm going to a New Year's Eve party tonight." I did not have any plans for the night as all my friends seemed to have their own plans and not one of theme invited me to go with them to any of these conscious parties happening. I was a bit bummed as usually, they invite me to go to these events. Nope, not today.

So, as Nina says ok Zerian, I will see you soon, I got to go get ready for this evening, she pauses and goes...."oh, by the friend Marcos is having a meditation gathering this evening and you should go." Now, I want you to know that I was never really into meditation nor go to a gathering where you just sit there and chill. I do my own waking meditation of going out in the desert and connecting with Mother Earth and grounding. So, I was like ":umm maybe I will check it out and go." I told her. She again reiterated.."you should go."

So it was late afternoon and I actually called Marcos and asked him about the event. He said the same thing...."you should come,, it will be a great time." So I got showered and changed and off I went. Now, Marco's place was like only a 10 minute drive from my condo, if that. So I set off to go to his event. The whole time as I am driving I had so much resistance and mind chatter. I just did not feel like going to this event. All these thoughts of "it's going to be boring", "I don't like meditating around other people", "I would rather go to a movie", and all other sorts of crazy thoughts and resistance to going to this event.

As I pull up to the driveway I see only 1 car and was like "see this is going to be lame." So, I pull away and say I'm going home. So I begin driving away and my intuition says..."GO BACK. GO BACK. GO BACK!!" So I go around down the street and come back to the driveway. Once again, my chatter box was like I don't want to go to this event. So, I pulled away again and said I'm outta here. As I am driving down the road, once again my intuition says "Yo, go back now." So, I go around the whole community and come back again, now this time there are more cars there and as I am sitting there along the perimeter to his property I see this grey Hundai car drive past my car and pulls onto the lawn on the property. As I see that I notice the license is from Pennsylvania. I was like oh wow as I was born in Pennsylvania and grew up there before I moved to Arizona.

Even hearing my intuition now twice say GO GO GO, I once again pulled away a third time and said "that's it, I am definitely going home this time." So I go to the main road and turn and off I went. Or so I thought??? My intuition was screaming at me so loud it was like a person was in my car talking to me saying "yo dude you turn the car around now and go to this event." I was like a half mile down the main road and literally in the middle of the main intersection I saw my car turning itself and going back. I was like what the f$%*k is going here. You want to say completely out of my control, is was beyond that. So, here I am coming up to the driveway once again and my chatter box again was like "you're going to be late now and disturb everyone, "why are you doing this" "this is crazy" and a whole other arsenal of fear based thoughts.

So, I go in and it turns out that there are still some people that are yet to come. The host was still setting stuff up and he said hi and said to go into the room and just chill and he will start the event in like 15 minutes as more people are due to come. As I enter the room, I see 2 people. A guy to the right sitting in a chair and a girl sitting on the left side of the room and they were having a conversation. As I sit down and say hi to both of them, I go "hey who is the one with the Pennsylvania license plate?" The girl looks at me and says "that's me." I'm like oh cool and told her where I grew up and she knew exactly where. She revealed where she grew up and so we started having a conversation. So, the event starts and Marcos walks us through all these interesting proclamations and decrees of what we want to create in life. We also did energy practices and conscious breathing.

Now, as I'm sitting there, I am starting to feel really charged up with energy to the point it was getting uncomfortable. As I look behind me, there are all these crystals on a table and I go oh wow, that's a lot of power. You see, I am very sensitive to energies and sometimes it can be overwhelming for me to be in areas of super high charged energies. So, my intuition says ask to trade seats with someone. So, I tell Marco, "hey, is there any way I can trade seats with someone because these crystals are really high vibe and I'm getting jacked up over here." So Marco asks the group "does anyone want to trade seats with Zerian?"

The girl with the Pennsylvania license plate quickly says "I will." So her and I trade seats. As I'm sitting there throughout the evening I kept glancing over at her. Something was like "ask her to go hiking sometime." I was not honestly that attracted to her physically even though she is quite cute and has a nice body. Again, my intuition keeps "saying ask her to go on a hike after the event is over."

So, the event comes to a close and I walk right up to her and start talking to her. I say "hey, I can take you hiking to a very special place that has a vortex." She immediately says "oh yeah I would love to."